Xia Xing Baoan District Sales Center
Mobile: 0086-18664144018
TEl: 0086-755-27111262(263)
Fax: 0086-755-27111265
Address: Xin po tou Industrial Park, Guangming town, Baoan District, Shenzhen, guangdong china
We insist on the idea that quality is life, and insist to go on the standard to the end, the goal of us is to improve the system to make sure all the products are safe and reliable.
Quality: heads from every details. In order to implement the strict quality guarantee system, Xiaxing Magnet controls quality from five aspects: Measurement management, process control, traceability control, defective products control, data control.
Quality Department controls product’s quality from the following 7 aspects:
1. Storage inspection of raw materials
2. First inspection by every production processes(inspect based on every shift)
3. Process inspection
4. Rework inspection(rejects); Repair inspection(to use rejects to other place)
5. Product storage inspection (size, appearance,performance, quantity, etc)
6. Product warehouse-out inspection (package, quantity, mark, etc)
7. Finished product audit(The whole production process audit)